Maybe the thing God most wants me to give up is my pride.

We are ten days into Lent and I’ve already failed at two separate fasts.

First, I decided to give up alcohol. I was doing really well until my mom needed half a cup of red wine for a recipe. I couldn’t open a whole bottle of wine for HALF A CUP and let the rest go to waste!

So, to make up for my botched alcohol fast, I decided to give up cussing instead.

I’ll let you guess how long I lasted before I dropped my first F-bomb. (I try so hard not to cuss, I promise I do!)

So here I am, with five weeks left until Easter, trying to decide which horse to get back on. Or do I pick a whole new horse for the rest of Lent?!

As I contemplated this, I remembered what I said in my Ash Wednesday Instagram post: “love can be greater than sacrifice (Mt 9:13).”

What’s more important than checking all the boxes and doing everything right in Lent (and life)?

Coming back to Jesus with my whole heart.

Allowing myself to receive his mercy.

Extending myself the same mercy.

Working to be less selfish.

Doing more to help my family and others I see in my daily life.

Yes, I’ve failed in everything I tried this Lent. But you know what? It’s not over yet, and I will try again tomorrow.

And in the meantime, I’m wrestling with this idea:

Maybe the thing God most wants me to give up is my pride and the belief that I can do any of this without him.

How is Lent going for you, friend?

If you want more on Lent, visit these past posts: Lent is About Love and The Year I Gave Up Nothing for Lent.