To celebrate Thanksgiving this year, I wanted to do something different. Instead of a blog post to tell you how to be grateful (though I have written one before), I wrote a poem to share my experience of gratitude lately. After you read it, why not give it a try and write your own Gratitude Poem? No one has to read it except you. 🙂

Gratitude Poem

In the echoes of my soul,
I feel a longing for more.

Always more and more,
Never less and less.
The longing is a gnawing
an ache
a raw and empty hunger.

Never satisfied, never full.

Until I reach the frenzied point where my heart cries
This is enough.
You have enough.
You are enough.

And I remember to pause
and breathe
and looking to all the gifts I’ve been given–
my family,
my faith,
my friends,
my dog,
my go-get-em spirit,
my wits,
my humor,
my grandma’s thin hair,
my dad’s broad shoulders,
my tender heart–

I whisper a prayer:
May gratitude become a way of life for me,
not only an afterthought to overwhelm.


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